By Capt. Ariel Cabrera
The HYDRO GLOW waterproof fish light has opened a whole new approach to fishing at night by attracting game fish to it with its dazzling green light-go illumination. This one-of-a-kind fish light suspends vertically below the water surface, emanating a bright green glow that attracts baitfish and predatory game fish of all sorts. It’s no secret that game fish, bait, and crustaceans like shrimp are attracted to light. With the portability of the HYDROGLOW, a fisher can quickly bring the fish within casting distance of his natural or artificial bait.
The HYDROGLOW is easy and safe to use. It operates best when connected directly to a 12-volt deep cycle battery via alligator clips. But the light is also convenient and adaptable, making casting at night much more exciting whether you’re fishing from a bridge, houseboat, flats skiff, bass boat, johnboat, or luxury yacht. It is also the ideal tool for sight fishing.
We field-tested the HYDROGLOW around the islands and Cape Sable near Flamingo, Everglades National Park, with outstanding results. Most people would consider this suicidal because of the dense salt-marsh mosquito population in the area. Who’s to say we wouldn’t be swarmed by a horde of bloodsuckers and increase our chances to contract West Nile virus? My good friend Jeremy Yong and I chose to wear our “panties”- our specialized bug netting. We were dressed to kill that night, covered in camouflaged mosquito netting from head to toe. We even protected our hands with gloves. We looked like a dangerous pair, and we were serious about catching some fish – and catch them we did. We hooked tarpon, snook, and goliath grouper—best of all, no bug bites. The HYDROGLOW’s green hue doesn’t seem to interest insects, but it attracts fish like a dog responding to a dinner bell.
After Halloween, I will be venturing into the Shark River area in pursuit of giant snook, tarpon, snapper, and the goliath with this amazing fishing glow stick. The force of attraction this pure light exerts is irresistible. The HYDROGLOW effectively draws fish to it like a magnet, lighting up the water for you to fire away with your best cast.
For more information about this product, visit or call +1 (877) 895-4569. Suppose you’d like to try fishing with an HYDROGLOW, Capt. Ariel can take you out and show you how.